*~*All Organic - All The Time*~*

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Passed On

They took the cpap mask off him this morning, and he was gone within the hour.

I never did make it to the hospital. I was going to go today, since the littles were back in school and while I'm still sick (actually, getting worse grr) oh well, I was going anyway after hubbie left for work this morning. But my mom called to tell me he'd passed. And I had to call the older kids, who didn't make it out yesterday, but were going to go today.

Really am glad it didn't linger on, for my mother's sake. She made a hard, hard decision. I'm really at peace with it, although my only regret, for his sake, was that he didn't get to see his last grandchild born. :(

Me and my dad in 1978 (yes, I know - gotta love the plaid 70's pants and glasses! lol)

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