*~*All Organic - All The Time*~*

Monday, January 28, 2008

Spelling Bee

Our local school's mascot is the yellowjacket. Mostly because there are a million of them around here in the summer time. The kids, of course, just think it's a bee. There are bees everywhere around the school - cartoon pictures taped on cinderblock walls, stuffed bees lined up in display cases.

Dmitri got a note mailed home from his teacher saying, "Bee proud, your child counted to 89 today!" A bee was prominently displayed on the front. Zoe got the same one from her teacher, "Bee proud, your child counted to 100 today!" When they got home and I showed them their postcards, they danced around with them.

"B-E-E... that spells 'bee!'" Dmitri showed me. "I can spell bee. I'm a spelling bee. Bzzzzzzz!"

Zoe said, "The big kids do a spelling bee at school."

I suddenly flashed back to my own sixth grade spelling bee. I missed the word "iceberg." Spelled it with a "u."

"Do they, Mom?" Dmitri asked

"Yep." I nodded.

He scrunched up his nose like he does when he's confused. "They fly around and spell?"

Both of the littles started giggling at the thought.

"No. A spelling bee just means they take turns spelling words until they miss one. The one who hasn't missed any words wins."

"Why do they call it a spelling BEE?" Dmitri asked. "B-e-e!"

Because it stings, I thought. "I'm not sure... But I like your kind of spelling bee better, 'Mitri."

He started flying and buzzing again. "Me, too!"

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