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1. marcia v. 2. ellen b | 3. And Miles to Go... 4. ONwebCHECK |
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1. You're afraid of the dark
2. You've already spent ten years in therapy
3. You just ate three elephant ears, two corn dogs and a bag of cotton candy
4. You already have a second mortgage (have you seen how much admission to one of these haunted houses costs!? It's like getting into Disney World!)
5. You lost your youngest last year in the Haunted Maze and they still haven't found him
6. You don't have health insurance
7. You're allergic to latex
8. You just bought new underwear
9. Your own house is scary enough
10. You're out of blood pressure medicine
11. Your kids insist they won't let you sleep in their beds with them anymore when you have nightmares
12. You thought Frankenweenie was scary
13. What if it's real?!
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1. pussreboots 2. nap warden 3. Comedy Plus 4. ellen b 5. Susan Helene Gottfried 6. The Pink Flamingo 7. Buck Naked Politics | 8. susiej 9. jenn 10. Nicole Austin 11. A Cowboy\'s Wife 12. Grace 13. marcia v. 14. kristinaQ | 15. babyamore 16. CJHill 17. SandyCarlson 18. Rae 19. Megan 20. On a limb with Claudia 21. Cindy |
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Q: As a mom to four kids, you've gained oodles of hands-on experience and wisdom over the years. If you could share any parenting advice with an eager mom-to-be, what would it be?
A: Alrighty, here's my top 10:
1. Don't sweat the small stuff - and most of it really IS small stuff.
2. When they make a mess, instead of freaking out -- grab the camera.
3. Take lots and lots and lots of pictures. Don't forget to hand the camera to someone else so you can be in the shots, too.
4. Newborns cannot be spoiled. You cannot hold them enough. And if you think you're a human pacifier - you are - and that's okay. You won't be forever, and trust me, you're going to look back some day and miss it.
5. Your husband, the man you love and wanted to spend the rest of your life with, is presumably and barring any tragedies, going to be with you forever, while your children will, eventually, grow up and go off to live their own lives. Don't forget about, underestimate, or neglect him in the midst of raising your children.
6. A clean house is less important than a toddler's need to explore their world.
7. Food is not a battleground. Children will eat when they are hungry, and should never be forced.
8. Teenagers tell you about 1/4 of what's really going on for them. Pay close attention when they do talk to you, and remember to times their information by four. Don't panic, they're more able to handle themselves than you think. But they still need you, your advice, your comfort, your care, and your attention.
9. You are not your child's friend, you're their parent. You don't need to be liked, but you do need to maintain a level of respect - on both sides.
10. Admit your mistakes and apologize to your children when you're wrong.
Q: What little known fact about you might surprise some of your readers?
A: Readers?? Bwahahahaha! ;) I think most of the people who read this little blog probably know most of my secrets... which aren't so secret.
How about this one: I spent the night in jail once. For driving on a suspended license. That I didn't know was suspended. It was four in the morning, and I was on my way to a birth. So I have a mugshot and the cops have my fingerprints, and I even got to pee in the toilet in the middle of the room (because I always drink two Diet cokes before leaving for a birth to wake me up, and if I didn't use the toilet, I was gonna pee my pants!) Why was my license suspended? Because I got a ticket in a residential area for doing five over the speed limit. Which didn't get paid. Why? My husband "forgot." He also "forgot" to tell me they sent a notice suspending my license because he "forgot" to pay my speeding ticket. :x The good news is, he bailed me out, and I did make it to the birth.
Q: Now that you've lived in the country for a while, can you ever see yourself moving back to the city?
Q: Tell us about your experience as a doula. How long have you been doing it? What do you enjoy about it?
A: I've been a doula since just before my third baby was born... since the year 2000. My first two children were born in hospitals, the first with an OB, the second with a nurse-midwife, and although I was interested in the idea of home birth at the time, I didn't have the resources, connections, or the support to carry that out. When I got remarried and we decided to have children, I revisited the idea of home birth with my new husband--who was completely supportive. So we had our third and fourth baby at home, I got involved extensively with the local birth community, learned about doulas, and went through the training to become certified.
Having the privilege and honor of witnessing a new life entering the world is always a gift, but being there for women, with women, watching their power and grace and ability during labor, is even more powerful for me. Giving women choices and options they didn't know they had thrills me. I don't judge anyone who gives birth they way they would choose... I wouldn't wish a home birth on every person. Women are different, and it isn't right for everyone. But I would wish an educated birth on every woman.
As a psychologist, I've dealt with too many women who've experienced trauma during childbirth who now have serious regrets about the way things happened. Too often, I hear, "If I'd only known then what I know now..." I've been there myself. As a doula, what I really want is to give women that information now, so they don't have regrets later. That, I think, is my true gift to give.
Q: Let's say you are going to be stranded with your family on a deserted island for 90 days. What 3 things would you take with you and why?
A: 90 days!? Are you kidding me? I'd take a GPS unit, a fully charged cell phone, and a boat! :P
Now it's your turn. If you want to be interviewed, leave me a comment including the words "Interview me." I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions. If you don't have a valid email address on your blog, please provide one.
See More Wordless Wednesdays HERE
1. And Miles To Go... 2. L.L. Barkat 3. Nap Warden 4. rhonda 5. ellen b 6. david mcmahon 7. Jos | 8. Comedy Plus 9. SandyCarlson 10. KC 11. Natalie 12. susiej 13. babyamore 14. Parenting Project | 15. Joyful Days 16. Aline de Chevigny 17. Mary mert 18. Gina 19. Mark Caldwell 20. CatSynth |
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Down the road a piece (that's what they say around here... "Down the road a piece...") they keep horses.
I think the vaccination program is, like any bureaucratically run organization, bloated, outdated, and in need of a major overhaul or an outright burial. There have been many studies done that prove vaccines aren't as effective as the government would like you to believe.
From personal experience, I can tell you that I was vaccinated for rubella (which is a disease that can cause harm to a fetus if contracted by the mother) after having my first child because according to the titers, I wasn't immune. Three years later, I had my second child. According to the titers, I STILL wasn't immune to rubella. So I got another shot. Seven years later, I had my third child. Guess what? Still wasn't immune. I've had a total of four rubella shots in 10 years, and the levels still show that I'm not immune the disease.
The truth is, vaccination itself has become a huge money maker, for doctors as well as for individual states. Doctors actually get bonuses if their vaccination rates remain above a certain level. The federal government gives out tons of money to the states to offer "free" vaccinations to families. And I'm not supposed to be suspicious of this huge pharmaceutical money machine? Hmm... I don't think so.
For me, the most basic human right is personal freedom. I'm not against vaccinations themselves. If you want to vaccinate your child against the evil chicken pox - go right ahead. I will support your right to do so. But I should be supported in my decision not to vaccinate as well. Everyone should have a right to make their own health care choices, whether they go against what Mr. Bureaucrat says we should do or not.
Fortunately, I live in Michigan, where my right to choose for myself and my children is actually supported. Unfortunately, Michigan is one of only seventeen states in the union that will allow that sort of exemption. In the rest of the country, as the Yahoo article points out, parents are forced to lie and claim vaccination is against their religion.
The article says:
"Do I think that religious exemptions have become the default? Absolutely," said Dr. Paul Offit, head of infectious diseases at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia and one of the harshest critics of the anti-vaccine movement. He said the resistance to vaccines is "an irrational, fear-based decision."
"When you choose not to get a vaccine, you're not just making a choice for yourself, you're making a choice for the person sitting next to you," said Dr. Lance Rodewald, director of the CDC's Immunization Services Division.
If vaccines were anywhere near the 100% effectiveness they claim, there should be no worries about those who have already been vaccinated. They're protected for life -- right?
The truth that Dr. Offit and other vaccination proponents don't want you to know is that contracting these childhood diseases - measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough - during childhood actually gives someone lifetime immunity to that disease.
Most of these involve a few days to a week of illness and are milder for children than for adults. In fact, immunizations often just prolong the contraction of these diseases, and when someone's supposed "lifetime" immunity from a vaccination runs out and they get the mumps, for example, an adult man could end up sterile.
So since vaccinations provide limited duration immunity, may contain potentially dangerous and toxic chemicals, and often only prolong getting the disease it's supposed to prevent, it seems to me the only rational decision available to a parent would be to waive immunizations.
If it comes down to lying and saying it's a "faith-based" decision, or putting my faith in Dr. Offit and the Vaccinations=Money Squad...
I'm all for lying.
See More Wordless Wednesdays HERE
1. ellen b 2. And Miles To Go... 3. Cheaper By the Half Dozen 4. SandyCarlson 5. jams o donnell | 6. jams o donnell 7. Starrlight 8. Mark Caldwell 9. Alison 10. SandyCarlson | 11. Frigga 12. babyamore 13. QuietMom 14. Deb - Mom of 3 Girls 15. Charlotte Kemsley |
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So when I ask: what are you doing to make your life more "green?" I really do want to know! The more ideas we share, the better. Because every little bit counts. Yes, it really does.
Here's a list of what we do:
**We consume as much local and organic food as possible
**We recycle and avoid buying things in non-recyclable packaging
**We don't use incandescent lightbulbs (and we recycle the energy saving ones we do use!)
**We conserve water
**We use rechargeable batteries
**We donate our old glasses and cell phones, recycle car batteries, etc.
**I use cloth menstrual pads
**We use cloth napkins
**We use cloth grocery bags
**I don't use toxic cleaners or herbicides (vinegar is a great cleaner, and it makes the house smell like Easter eggs!)
**We compost
**We're planning on installing solar panels next year
**We live as unplugged as we can
**We plant trees with the kids every year
**We refill printer cartridges
**We use energy efficient appliances
**We replace our heating/cooling filters every year
**We take community showers :)
**We hardly ever fly
**We freecycle and cheapcycle and hardly ever buy anything new, from cars to clothes
**We BookMooch
**We're working on the eating less meat thing :x (Michael isn't thrilled about that part.)
**Before we moved, Michael was carpooling, but now it's only six miles to work. Maybe some day he'll ride his bike ;) I'm pulling for telecommuting!
We've also signed hundreds of petitions, written lots of letters to Congress, belong to several conservation groups, etc...
So tell me... what do YOU do? I really want to know!
* * * * *
Did you participate in Blog Action Day? Please sign Mr. Linky so others can read what you have to say about the environment!
1. Greenstylemom 2. BayouChica | 3. crunchy domestic goddess 4. Simone\'s Butterfly | 5. kermit johnson |
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