*~*All Organic - All The Time*~*

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

One of These Things Just Doesn't Belong

Can you see the accident waiting to happen here in my night table drawer?

That's right. And yes, it DID happen. And no, it wasn't the kids. It was ME.



Unknown said...

What, you tried to write with the thermometer? Oh. . . you glued your lips closed. :) Funny I have a similar post prepared with doggie eardrops and glue. :)

Dawn said...

That is pretty funny, well, to those out here, maybe not to you.

Vixen of Vixensden.com said...

On the day of my daughter's first communion, my mom called me hysterical from her hotel. Without having her glasses on she had grabbed her eye drops and put them in...only it was nail glue. It was painful, but afterwards we all laughed and laughed and we still give her a hard time.
